Juan sin movil

Juan sin movil


TEXT: Jose Vicente Sarmiento


PUBLISHER: Fun Readers (Spain)

Hola, me llamo Juan y soy la unica persona del mundo, es mas, aseguraría que de todo el universo, que ha cumplido diez años y todavia no tiene movil. íQUIERO UN MOVIL! Y claro, si tienes diez años y no tienes movil, tampoco tienes amigos. ¿Eso es asi?, es una verdad absoluta, como que si no tienes amigos al final tus amigos son aquellos que tampoco tienen amigos. íQUE LIO! La historia que os voy a contar es un tanto peculiar. Acompanñadme con mis amigos Rob y Lisa y lo comprobareis. Os aviso, ícuidado con los tecno-zombis!

Hello, my name is Juan and I am the only person in the world, in fact, I would say that in the entire universe, who has turned ten years old and still does not have a cell phone. I WANT A MOBILE! And of course, if you are ten years old and you don't have a cell phone, you don't have any friends either. Is that so? It's an absolute truth, like if you don't have friends, in the end your friends are those who don't have friends either. WHAT? MESS! The story I am going to tell you is somewhat peculiar. Join me with my friends Rob and Lisa and you'll see for yourself. I warn you, be careful with the techno-zombies!

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